Royal Neighbors Philanthropy Through the Years

Royal Neighbors Founders signing a check

Royal Neighbors has conscientiously nurtured a philanthropic legacy for nearly 125 years. It is part of who we are and why we have been successful in empowering women and their families to build better lives, stronger communities and a brighter tomorrow.

Early in 1900, the Beneficiary Committee of Royal Neighbors distributed a questionnaire to chapters seeking information on the advantages of membership in addition to the insurance protection. The committee was especially interested in learning what members were doing to “relieve member stress.” More than 1,100 chapters reported back with a great display of altruism. Over half had given relief cash donations, 334 had given relief other than financial, 400 chapters had committees that visited the sick and over 200 provided a physician to needy neighbors and their families.

This neighbor-helping-neighbor philosophy was further exemplified in 1906 following the devastating San Francisco earthquake. Voluntary contributions raised more than $4,000 for chapters affected, and provisions of all kinds were dispensed on a long-term basis. That quick and charitable response set the standard for philanthropic initiatives going forward.

From donating $1,000,000 for the purchase of government securities during World War II and donating a television set to a senior citizens home, to launching a Bucket Brigade to clean up following a hurricane and filling sandbags during a flood, Royal Neighbors and its members have been unwavering in their commitment to uphold our history of giving. The methods of giving back may change through the generations, but our Social Good efforts continue to meet the needs of the communities we serve today.