Living the Royal Neighbors Mission

Anthoney and Keegan Brown, left to right

Anthoney and Keegan Brown, brothers from Woodhull, Illinois, were each awarded a “Making a Difference” Scholarship when they graduated from high school in 2016 and 2018, respectively. Since then, both have continued to be involved in their hometown community and on their college campuses.


From a young age, our family instilled in us the concept of taking pride in where you are from. With this in the back of my mind, I was always looking for ways to get involved in the community and do what I could to make it the best that it could be. I helped with summer Bible school and assisted in coaching spring and summer sports teams. As soon as I was old enough, I joined the volunteer fire department in town. It has been one of the best decisions that I have made. The training that I have received has not only allowed me to help the people of my community, but it has also helped me to grow as a leader.

When I got to college, I continued to volunteer and be a part of the campus community. I was a member of the Cross Country and Track & Field teams, as well as a member of the college’s chapter of the Sierra Club, a national environmental preservation organization. The generosity of Royal Neighbors helped to relieve some of the stress that comes with figuring out how you are going to pay for college. This allowed me to focus more on studying for my classes and building new friendships with classmates.


I’m currently a sophomore at Monmouth College, studying to become a high school history teacher. When trying to choose a career, I decided to become a teacher because I felt like it was the best way to continue to serve the community and give back.

Since becoming a college student, I have volunteered in many different ways. I am a part of the James and Sybil Stockdale Fellows, a student leadership group at Monmouth College. I also spent my freshman year spring break in Memphis, Tennessee, picking trash out of the Mississippi River with “Living Lands and Waters.” When I’m home for winter break, I volunteer and help with the Ridgewood Spartans Frosh-Soph Basketball Team. I try to live the Royal Neighbors mission by volunteering whenever I have free time to do so.

Anthoney and I are both proud to be recipients of these scholarships, and we cannot thank Royal Neighbors enough for the generosity and kindness they have shown us. It’s played a significant role in helping us to get to where we are today.