Staying the Course

We are nearing the end of what has truly been an unprecedented year. I’m sure many of us are looking forward to better times. I know I’m planning to embrace 2021 with positive expectations, hope, and an on-going appreciation for the joy found in the little things.

I’m also looking back on this past year and cannot help but feel a sense of pride and admiration about how well we – the Royal Neighbors family – have managed to stay the course in the face of never-before-seen changes and challenges and to stay connected to our mission.

The winter issue of our magazine includes many examples of our members answering the call to provide support and supplies to those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic implications. And, in doing so, we continue to honor the 125-year-old legacy of our founders.

Chapter 5052 is but one of the many chapters who learned to adapt this year, finding a way to continue to serve their community in a time of social distancing. I just love one of the quotes from that story, “Social distancing has changed the way we execute events, but it has not prevented us from making a difference.” (Full story here.) This sums up the attitude and successes of our chapters and individual members across the nation this year. Staying the course, living the mission.

From making masks and PPE, to providing food and supplies to front line workers, to boosting the spirits of those in nursing homes and care facilities unable to see family and friends … you have made a significant impact this year. I remain awed and grateful to lead, and be part of, such an amazing organization.

This year has reaffirmed for me the importance of staying connected with others, the value of bonding over a common purpose, the impact of giving back to our community – the very principles upon which Royal Neighbors was built. And I am especially thankful this year for family and friends, for a successful business that funds our mission, and for the incredible courage and generosity of our members.

I’m looking forward to a new year filled with hope and good fortune. We’ll stay the course: maintaining our financial strength and meeting our obligations to our members; finding new and creative ways to positively impact our communities; and, celebrating the ripple effect that good generates.

Stay safe. Stay connected.

My best,