‘Royal Neighbors’ Brownies

stand the test of time

As a child growing up in Mentor, Minnesota, Kathy Scheving clearly remembers her mother baking batch after batch of rich, chocolatey brownies—and being first in line among her siblings to help make the frosting. “Frosting duty meant you got to lick the spoon,” she laughs. “Since the brownies were usually for a Royal Neighbors gathering, those licks of frosting were about all we’d get!” Today, Kathy still adores sweets, to the point that she and her mother order dessert first when they go out to lunch. “We want to make sure we have room for it,” she smiles.

Both Kathy’s mother and grandmother were active in their Royal Neighbors chapters, delivering Meals on Wheels, raising money for new playground equipment and organizing bingo tournaments at the local nursing home. “Those ladies in the Royal Neighbors chapters made things happen for the community,” she says. “They were strong women who had a passion for giving and led by example. They took care of their neighbors and taught us to do the same. Both my sister and I were initiated into our Royal Neighbors chapter while we were still in our teens. We’re still active. And we still take these brownies.”


1 stick butter (melted)
16-oz chocolate syrup
1 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 cup flour
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. salt
1/2 cup nuts

Mix all ingredients together and bake in a large pan for 30 min. at 350 F.


1 stick butter
1/2 cup sugar
6 tbsps. Milk
1/2 cup chocolate chips

Bring butter, sugar and milk to a rolling boil for 1 minute (no longer). Remove from heat and add chocolate chips. Beat with a spoon until it thickens some and is ready to spread.

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If you have a family recipe you’d like to share with us, send it to editor@royalneighbors.org.