Employee Highlight

Katherine Woody

An old adage notes that if you want something done well you should give it to the busiest person you can find. That maxim is particularly accurate regarding Executive Assistant Katherine Woody, who combines outstanding job performance with the highest level of professionalism and a welcoming, friendly attitude.

But Katherine doesn’t stop there: She also regularly seeks out opportunities to assist others. She recently acted as a liaison with the facilities group during the reconfiguration of the Home Office marketing area, where she found workable solutions to each employee’s specific needs. In addition, she also helped coordinate Angel Tree gifts during the holidays; is an active participant in the Home Office chapter fund-raisers; and is a familiar face at a local meal site. Through it all, she continues to read to second graders through United Way’s Vello program. “Part of the reason that I enjoy working at Royal Neighbors is the value it puts on community service,” she says. “It’s a big part of who I am and the support means so much.”