Live and Lead by the Golden Rule

Spring is just around the corner and with it comes a renewed feeling of purpose and energy. The start of this season always causes me to stop and take stock of how I’m living and leading in both my personal and professional lives. It’s a good time to pause and ensure we’re focused on the right things. I revisit my personal mission statement and ask: Am I taking care of the important issues and the people who matter the most?

What comes to mind this year is one of the guideposts that has centered me throughout my life…Live and Lead by the Golden Rule. In other words, treat others as you wish to be treated.

Most of us try to achieve this in our personal interactions. Is it easy to do? Not always. As we face our individual challenges of day-to-day living, we often get wrapped up in our own world. It’s not that we aren’t aware of others, but we can forget to look outward at times. We’re not always mindful of how we’re relating to and engaging with others…treating others how we want to be treated.

One place, however, where the Golden Rule seems to stay top of mind is within the nationwide community of Royal Neighbors of America. It comes naturally to us. Yes, we have our daily concerns. But I am constantly heartened by our members’ ability to push past them and reach out to others. We live our lives in service to our neighbors and communities, always making a positive difference wherever we are. Through our efforts, we show others how this seemingly simple rule can change lives. We not only live it, we lead by it.

The same is true of our organization’s leaders and employees, who are members of this community as well. We strive to always treat others with respect and consideration. We make decisions that are not only best for our business, but also for the individuals who give so much of themselves to be part of this successful and growing Society.

This spring, on March 21st, we’ll celebrate the 124th anniversary of Royal Neighbors. Looking back, it seems fitting that we were chartered as a fraternal benefit society at a time in history known for new beginnings. Our female founders identified new ways to ensure that other women were treated as they themselves wanted to be, opening up a world of financial security, of opportunities to directly and positively impact their communities, and of social networking with like-minded women. All this at a time when they lacked several fundamental freedoms such as the right to vote, own property, and be insured! A new generation of women were not only living by the Golden Rule, they began leading by it for the women in their generation and those to come.

Regardless of the season, it is always important to take the time to reflect on how we are living and leading. A great place to start is to follow the Golden Rule.

Your President and CEO,